
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Merry Christmas

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has left special footprints on my heart these past few years. Thank you to all who have blessed me this year alone. This past year has been an incredible journey with bumpy roads and ups and downs yet God is still so good through it all. Sometimes all it takes is a smile or an email or text message to create such joy. Or how about a conversation with someone you love to make the day brighter.

It's incredible how 1 son born to this world has sacrificed His life for me and you. It brings many tears to my eyes as I type this for all He has done for me- He is Christ our Lord. He who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name. And his mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation. Luke 1:49-50 This is Mary's reference to the virgin birth which we need to celebrate every day, not just this time of year.


Merry Christmas to all of you!


Watch this beautiful video below to be reminded of the reason for this season!

To perfume or not to perfume?

The skin is the largest organ in the human body.One of it's primary functions is involved in the body's immune system.It acts as a an anatomical barrier from pathogens.Why would a healthy person want to bypass this important part of their immune system with an injection of a pathogen(and other toxic substances) directly into their circulatory system?

Did you know the word "fragrance" alone consists of 500-800 chemicals, which are carcinogens, neurotoxins, aldehydes, phenols, phthalates, ethanol, and the list is almost endless. None of the fragrance chemicals have ever been tested for safety, and they qualify as hazardous waste. It’s not just about air fresheners it’s about the ingredient “fragrance.” The worst part about today’s chemicals and products is that they do not even list the ingredients.

Most everything that says "fragrance" is typically produced synthetically-usually anything marketed to make something "smell good". This includes both cleaning supplies and air fresheners. A recent government report targeted these fragrances of 1 of 6 categories of chemicals that should be given the highest priority for neurotoxicity, testing along with insecticide, heavy metals, solvents, food additives, and air pollutants. Eight-four percent of the ingredients used in fragrances have never been tested for human toxicity, or have only minimal testing. These chemicals cause neurological damage, multiple-chemically sensitivity and increased immune response.

I use to wear perfume, use lotions from all those bath and body places, have those tree air fresheners in my car plus different glad plug ins in my home along with burning candles of every scent. I didn't know then what I know now and I didn't know the reason behind why I didn't feel good. I just thought it was just certain health issues and that was who I was. Air fresheners aren't the only reason I was sick but they added onto my burden of the other things.

I still use lotion (healthy and non-toxic lotions) and I even have an essential oil perfume I use from Whole Foods from time to time. Beeswax candles with non-lead wicks are what I use when I want to burn candles. I am just more cautious now and read the ingredients of everything I put on my skin and body.

Tip: Ladies when you buy beauty products, perfumes, lotions, research the ingredients and take it a step further and research the word "fragrance" and make sure its essential oils if you are making a switch. A lot of products today say "organic" and still use fragrance which is not good! I say this a lot in my blogs but please take note just because it says organic doesn't mean it is any better for you!

Ladies to research your beauty products go to this website and see what's in your lotions and make up. You want to stay under 5. 1 or 2 is best.

Check out this link for more information on toxic chemicals found in air fresheners:"

Understanding Neurotoxicity

One of my biggest challenges is trying to explain an illness to my family and friends that is not like any other illness approved in allopathic medicine.

My goal in this part of my blog is to break down to the best of my ability what happened to me in an easy to understand kind of way so everyone can hopefully understand why I am going through what I'm going through and why my goals are set to where they are set with health. I have both scientific backing and examples to help everyone understand below what is going on in Neurotoxic individuals.

A Neurotoxin is simply something that is "toxic" to our neurological system. ie: heavy metals, biotoxins such as mold, fibromyalgia, lyme, other infections or nerve stress such as physical trauma, emotional trauma, spinal misalignment's.

Your nervous system controls every part of your body. Hence why I am so passionate about ANYTHING that interferes with our nervous system.

Did you know that our bodies do not know the difference between emotional trauma, physical trauma and chemical stress? Isn't that interesting? Trauma is trauma, that's all our bodies know.

So what happens to our bodies when our bodies are faced with "trauma"?

Nitric Oxide + Superoxide = cellular oxidation & INFLAMMATION= drop in ATP (brain fog, poor digestion, etc) and glutathione. When this happens there is an increase in NMDA (NMDA is released through glutamate receptors which are most abundant in the brain and upper spinal cord.) Glutathione is a substance naturally produced by the human body through the synthesis of certain amino acids in the liver. It's also used by virtually every cell of the body to neutralize toxins.

What is NMDA? NMDA is a glutamate receptor, is the predominant molecular device for controlling synaptic plasticity and memory function. Activation of NMDA receptors causes the spinal cord neuron to become more responsive to all of its inputs, resulting in central sensitization. NMDA-receptor antagonists, such as dextromethorphan, can suppress central sensitization. NMDA-receptor activation not only increases the cell's response to pain stimuli, it also decreases neuronal sensitivity to opioid receptor agonists.

If you don't understand the science above, really all you need to understand is "INFLAMMATION" and that it causes disease.

What is inflammation? Inflammation is part of the complex biological response of vascular tissues to harmful stimuli, such as pathogens, damaged cells, or irritants.
Inflammation can be classified as either acute or chronic. Acute inflammation is the initial response of the body to harmful stimuli and is achieved by the increased movement of plasma and leukocytes (especially granulocytes ) from the blood into the injured tissues. A cascade of biochemical events propagates and matures the inflammatory response, involving the local vascular system, the immune system, and various cells within the injured tissue. Prolonged inflammation, known as chronic inflammation, leads to a progressive shift in the type of cells present at the site of inflammation and is characterized by simultaneous destruction and healing of the tissue from the inflammatory process.

Example 1: A person gets in a auto accident and ends up with fibromyalgia. WHY? The abnormal amounts of NMDA which feeds into an already stressed system causes this to occur which ultimately causes an abundance of INFLAMMATION-chronic inflammation.

Inflammation wrecks havoc in so many ways. Ultimately the main goal is getting to the "CAUSE" as to why a person is chronically inflamed and avoiding things that cause more inflammation in the process.

What causes more inflammation when a person is already chronically inflamed?
Grains, Sugars, more stress (emotional, toxic, nerve).

Examples of trauma:

Emotional Trauma=death in family
Physical Trauma or nerve stress=car accident
Heavy Metals=vaccinations, amalgam fillings, metals from mom, environments, etc.
Biotoxins=Mold, Infections, Lyme

Example 2: So you have someone who has 13 amalgams in their mouth which started being drilled in at age 9 along with emotional trauma, along with nerve stress along with toxins from mom (by the way whatever mom has carries onto baby) along with bad diet, along with more emotional trauma, environmental toxins, and more fillings and you have a sick patient who starts developing, GI issues, gallbladder issues, overweight, sleep issues, anxiety, etc.

So what did the medical community do in this case? They wanted to remove the gallbladder, prescribe prescription medication, vaccinate them because it's been a long time since they've received up-to-date vaccinations and send them on their way instead of getting to the cause.
That was a simple version of what happened to me.

BUT...."You only live once.."

"If I would have known I was going to live so long I would have taken
care of myself" famous line from Dr. Dan Pompa's father.
Dr. Pompa's father spent the last 15 years of his life not being to do the things he loved to do. He suffered from degenerative conditions which robbed of his vitality. If it was just about living longer you are right why bother unfortunately that is not the reality its about living longer healthy with vitality.
-Dr. Daniel Pompa

I, personally, watched and took care of my grandparents towards the end of their lives as well. They too suffered from degenerative disease. It has given me purpose to want to reach out there and help others not have to suffer from these degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and heart disease like my grandparents did. Yes, you could have been born with bad genes but that doesn't mean you have to spend the rest of your life suffering because of those genes.

Detoxing with DMSA

I have been taking DMSA, approximately 1x a month, is my guesstimate because I never wrote it down for 18 months now NOT including the heavy metal detox I was doing with the amalgam left in my mouth, which was about 3 months.

I just finished up a round today and when I woke up this morning I felt so tired and I really didn't think I was going to be able to get out of bed. But I have days when I'm not taking DMSA that I feel like this but more so on day 4 of DMSA I would say it's more of a whole body exhaustion then a "I just can't get out of bed feeling."
Every round of DMSA at this point is different. I felt pretty good up until this morning where before I would experience bizarre symptoms or feeling that tired feeling prior to day 4. I am now starting to come around and feel like I have some energy coming on.

18 months and I'm still going..
18 months and I'm still pulling this stuff out of me ..
18 months and I still face a road ahead of me that seems never ending ...
But good news .. I've made it 18 months... I never thought I'd make it 1 year and yesterday when I realized I have been detoxing for 18 months it was the best news ever.

I have a road to go but I just wanted to be able to inspire you who are going through a battle or struggle yourself where you may need that extra push. Don't give the fight, even when you are at the end of your rope..hang on..and keep fighting this fight! You will gain your health back..I have little by little each round of detox I make it through and I can't thank God enough for pulling me through each time.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Words of Encouragement

It’s about the journey, not the destination.

When you feel discouraged or if you are going through a difficult time remember that it’s not about destination, but the journey you are taking to get to the destination.

In life, we are faced with obstacles and sometimes it seems as though we will never see an ending to certain road blocks in our lives. I can assure you I have been faced with many road blocks throughout my life so far. It’s about keeping on when you don’t feel like it. It’s about pushing through when you think you can’t. Don’t give up. Don’t be discouraged. Hang in there. Easy to say right? I could never say it if I hadn’t been through trials myself.

When I was at my sickest there were days I didn’t know how I was going to get through. For some reason I always felt better at night, barely making it through the day and I actually have days still where I am better at night then in the morning. We joke at our office about “morning Heather” and “afternoon Heather.” Some days, especially during detox I can get a little grumpy. But soon as the afternoon comes I’m feeling better. There is reasoning behind this and that is your body builds up inflammation at night from moving toxins around. When you wake up, your cortisol drops in morning (it’s supposed to rise) from the toxins which interfere with your adrenals.

I truly thank God He has placed people in my life that can joke about this and put up with me! When I’m feeling like “morning Heather” it’s hard to keep the mind set on the journey and stay focused and determined. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve said “why can’t I just be normal.” It’s so easy when I’m not feeling well to fall into the frustration and start asking “why.”

This applies to life in general whether or not you have a neurotoxic illness or not, when your down or something is bothering you have to keep on keeping on. The reason I say this is because the more you feed a negative issue the more negative and down you become. You have to surround yourself around good people that will help lift you up and also support you. Sometimes in life we are “waiting” .. waiting for our hope, dream, desire or goal to come true. During the “waiting” times, it can be so easy to give up and become depressed, down and out especially when things do not go as planned. That is where we need to NOT allow ourselves to go. We need to be stronger and push through it and find a way to overcome our challenges. Personally, my hope is in the Lord. He has brought me through trials I never thought I could get through. He is my hope, my dream, my desire. He is the one that places confidence deep inside to push through whatever trial I’m going through.

Yes, I’m human and I’ve experienced times where I wanted to give up, throw in the towel and yes I’ve even thrown grown up tantrums. I’ve even had it out with God himself because I was so frustrated that I didn’t think I’d see the destination I was hoping for. But then He showed up, brought me through it and I was okay. So I’m here today to tell you to keep moving along.. keep pushing through whatever the issue that lies deep inside that bothers you. God knows the desire in your heart and he wants to bless you!

Remember the journey is the reward!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Just say NO to Sugar

Sugar can suppress the immune system.
Sugar can upset the body's mineral balance.
Sugar can contribute to hyperactivity, anxiety, depression, concentration difficulties, and crankiness in children.
Sugar can produce a significant rise in triglycerides.
Sugar can cause drowsiness and decreased activity in children.
Sugar can reduce helpful high density cholesterol (HDLs).
Sugar can promote an elevation of harmful cholesterol (LDLs).
Sugar can cause hypoglycemia.
Sugar contributes to a weakened defense against bacterial infection.
Sugar can cause kidney damage.
Sugar can increase the risk of coronary heart disease.
Sugar may lead to chromium deficiency.
Sugar can cause copper deficiency.
Sugar interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium.
Sugar can increase fasting levels of blood glucose.
Sugar can promote tooth decay.
Sugar can produce an acidic stomach.
Sugar can raise adrenaline levels in children.
Sugar can lead to periodontal disease.
Sugar can speed the aging process, causing wrinkles and grey hair.
Sugar can increase total cholesterol.
Sugar can contribute to weight gain and obesity.
High intake of sugar increases the risk of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.
Sugar can contribute to diabetes.
Sugar can contribute to osteoporosis.
Sugar can cause a decrease in insulin sensitivity.
Sugar leads to decreased glucose tolerance.
Sugar can cause cardiovascular disease.
Sugar can increase systolic blood pressure.
Sugar causes food allergies.
Sugar can cause free radical formation in the bloodstream.
Sugar can cause toxemia during pregnancy.
Sugar can contribute to eczema in children.
Sugar can overstress the pancreas, causing damage.
Sugar can cause atherosclerosis.
Sugar can compromise the lining of the capillaries.
Sugar can cause liver cells to divide, increasing the size of the liver.
Sugar can increase the amount of fat in the liver.
Sugar can increase kidney size and produce pathological changes in the kidney.
Sugar can cause depression.
Sugar can increase the body's fluid retention.
Sugar can cause hormonal imbalance.
Sugar can cause hypertension.
Sugar can cause headaches, including migraines.
Sugar can cause an increase in delta, alpha and theta brain waves, which can alter the mind's ability to think clearly.
Sugar can increase blood platelet adhesiveness which increases risk of blood clots and strokes.
Sugar can increase insulin responses in those consuming high-sugar diets compared to low sugar diets.
Sugar increases bacterial fermentation in the colon.

Monday, November 1, 2010


Change is hard for some of us, more than others. Change can make a person, break a person or do both at the same time. Sometimes all any us really need is just that. I don't do well with change for the most part, especially the change that creeps up on you and bites you when your not looking. I can speak from experience and also from frustration that lies deep inside, especially the frustration that I cannot change. I know now that I cannot change anyone personally unless they want to change. It took me over a year of working at Pompa Health Solutions to figure that one out. With that said, I don't stop living the way I live or talking about it for that matter. If you know me personally, you know how the change that creeped in and bit me now has made such an amazing difference in my life today. The change in my life started out rough, but now has helped me become who I am today and I couldn't thank God enough for that. Getting sick was definitely a valley and a rough road in my life. The Road Back to Health at times was difficult and guess what-it STILL is! But I was determined and still am determined!

Did I do it overnight? I can assure you I did not. I was practicing better health and nutrition before I started working at Pompa Health Solutions. I started with bettering my health and basic nutrition and choosing healthier eating habits. Committing to a lifestyle change was #1, not the "Cellular Healing Diet."

When the "Cellular Healing Diet" was introduced to me I was so sick that I didn't care about not having certain foods that I loved-I just wanted to feel better. It's hard for me today to sit back and watch people, especially the ones I love, not want to change the way they eat or their unhealthy environment. My passion radiates to all because I would never want anyone to go through what I had to go through, but yet at the same time I’ve learned, and I'm still learning, that I have to sit back and trust in God and His plan for everyone around me. With that said, that doesn't mean I'm going to give up and quit trying to educate the world and the ones I love. All I can do is educate and pray and equip them with the tools and knowledge they need to start their own lifestyle change to better health.

The reason I sit before you now and type what I type is not to try and change you. YOU have to WANT to change yourself-which is Step #1! Step#2 is wanting to hear the truth and accepting it and Step#3 is applying the truth to your life. So, if want to change and you want to hear the truth, keep reading. And by the way, there is a difference between truth vs. opinion. What I am stating is truth and facts PERIOD, not just an opinion.

Why am I so big on diet change? There is so many reasons why diet is #1 and why you have to start there. It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change. It's not don't eat this, don't eat that it's changing your thought process and accepting that this is how I eat now and it's not about what you can't have anymore, it's about what you can have. In the world we live in today I can assure you that your bucket can overflow. You may not experience exactly what I did but you may be experiencing some symptoms like high blood pressure, GI issues (IBS, acid reflux) anxiety, and the list goes on. So you run to your doctor or even Naturopath who who will prescribe you medication after medication or even supplement after supplement to cover up the symptoms. Covering up your symptoms is not the answer! Sure, you may be alright for the time being but I can promise it will only get worse as your bucket starts to overflow especially when more symptoms start occurring. What is “your bucket"? Your bucket is years of toxins, chemical interference, nerve interference, emotional trauma that add up. Think of a glass filling up with water and all that junk listed and then imagine it tipping over. My glass tipped over at age 26 and that’s why I got as sick as I did. You think you are "OK" now but if you experience any type of symptom or issue with your health there is a REASON behind why that is occurring. I had a LIST of symptoms and because I didn't know any better, covered them up with medications. So not only did the medications cover up symptoms in which ultimately I was not getting to the cause, but it added to my bucket. I do not believe in being drugged with prescription medications to cover up symptoms or even supplements for that matter-I wanted to get to the cause.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

So what happened next?

I was heavy metal detoxing for 3+ months with an amalgam left in my mouth!!! AHHHHHHHHHH! HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN & WHY DID THIS HAPPEN? To say the least, I went backwards! I gained 15+ pounds back and I felt HORRIBLE! I had a lot of re-occurring symptoms PLUS new ones I had not experienced before. I begged and pleaded to the Lord crying out for Him to help me. I spent sleepless nights on my knees in prayer. Oh, the blessings of absolute submission to Christ! What a blessing to lose our own strength, wisdom, plans, and desires and to be where every ounce of our being becomes like a peaceful Sea of Galilee under omnipotent feet of Jesus. The main thing is to suffer without becoming discouraged. –quoted from Streams in the Desert! That devotional is such an INSPIRATION and I recommend EVERY one of you get a copy of this!

I can’t thank the Lord enough for showing me when he did and not allow me to go further heavy metal detoxing. The following week after it was confirmed there was an amalgam, it was removed that week. I'm just now (1 year and 17 months later) starting to feel better each day. I still have moments but I’ve come so far and with that said I still have a LONG way to go! I just started this process! It’s been over a year since that incident. I'm currently on a DMSA cycle as I write this now and the first 3 days were good, now I'm starting to feel not so good (day 3 into 4). Miserable, fatigue, feeling of anxious every once in a while (but not BAD anxious like it use to be-THANK GOD) and I just don't feel like myself. I still get the metal taste in my mouth when I detox and my hands and feet turn to ice- that is mercury folks! It’s been 4 months (2nd time around) so far on DMSA on/off and I’m still pushing through. Good news when I’m off cycle I feel really good! When I first started taking DMSA a few months back I felt better when I was on cycle vs. off cycle. I sleep fairly well, minus the fact that I have to get up and take a pill. I had an experience this cycle where the alarm woke me up to take the pill and I got a little startled w/ anxiety (adrenaline). I fell back to sleep about an hour later. My GI was wrecked prior to starting this round along w/ candida flare ups. Soon as I got on cycle I had no more candida (itchy ears) and my GI got better. I have a loss of appetite this round of DMSA which I'm NOT complaining about, but it’s the first time this has happened.

My Helpful Tips …

Tip#1 - Vitamin c flushes are KEY when you start to not feel well on and OFF cycle.
Tip#2 - Cytocatch at night-it’s a MUST!
Tip#3 - Extra antioxidants and extra SLEEP and rest is NEEDED!
Tip#4 – Warn those around you that you are detoxing and caution them to mood swings ;)
Tip#5 – Streams in the Desert is a MUST.

Also, when I’m off cycle I’ll work on supporting my kidneys, liver and gut and also do a few vitamin c flushes after then load up on probiotic. I also take a multivitamin/mineral during my off cycle and sometimes even when I’m on cycle. Paleomeal every day (at least 2 shakes on and off cycle helps too).

NOTE: The above statement has not been regulated by the FDA nor is it a protocol. These are just the steps that I take personally. Do not attempt this on your own and you must consult with your physician before beginning any process of heavy metal detox or amalgam removal.

A little more about me …

Each of our bodies are different yet similar when we are toxic. In this case, I’m extremely toxic with heavy metals. I would like to find a way to upload my Autism Panel from Laboratoire Philippe Auguste so you all can see these results. The results indicated elevated levels of mercury and lead with brain inflammation present which means I could easily be diagnosed with autism and being on ADD spectrum-makes perfect sense! I have problems with focusing and paying attention to detail ESPECIALLY if I have no interest along with a handful of other symptoms I experience. I use to be worse with attention span and details. I’ve come a long way and have gotten a lot better. But with that said, I have a long way to go so it is IMPERATIVE I keep at what I am doing and some days when I’m discouraged I need nudged along the way during the process which is why I’m so blessed for my family & friends and especially my family at Pompa Health Solutions. The coolest part is how dialed into my body I am. I know when certain foods I eat make me not feel so well. I know what my GI can handle not just food but supplement wise too. I know when I’m ovulating- YES even ovulating! Some say I know too much for my own good but I consider it a BLESSING! It’s so incredible diving into the “why’s” and “how to’s” learning about your body that God has created. The things to do and not do. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; Corinthians 6:19.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My Story


At this point in my life things seemed to be going great. I had a fun life, fun friends and a great career but something was still missing career wise. I was working as a Junior Unix Administrator at the time which was a great opportunity with a chance to become a Senior Administrator one day. The money was GREAT! After a few months I didn't like what I was doing for multiple reasons. I wouldn't say I hated my job and I was thankful for the opportunity but I never fell in love with what I did. I knew in my heart I was capable of more than what I was called to at that given time in my life. I knew I could make a difference in others lives but I didn't know exactly what I was to do. I pondered going back to school for teaching or even something in the medical field where I could help others. I cried out to God in tears some nights asking for help and direction. I knew I needed to go back to school and at this point finishing my degree was a start. I ended up quitting my job as a Unix Administrator to go back to school and finish my degree.

I worked as a secretary close to home while I was in the process of starting school. After about 6 months in this position I was let go. At this point, I couldn't find work so I was forced to file for unemployment. During my time off of work I started not feeling so well. My doctor said it was depression from not working but I refused to believe it was depression-this wasn’t depression. My blood pressure started to elevate to 190/110 on some days. I had anxiety, feeling of hopelessness, sleepless nights, hearing my hear beat every time I laid down at night, restless night sleep even if I slept 9 + hours, sound, light sensitivity and more. My doctor then wanted to put me on high blood pressure medication. I filled the script but never took the medication. At this time in my life I had been on birth control for 8 years or so on/off along with other medications here and there. I had been taking birth control since I was 17 because I never had regular menstrual cycles. I asked my doctor if she thought that the birth control could be causing these problems and she said no. She also said that if I stopped I could cause more stress on my body because then my hormones would really go out of whack. Well, I stopped anyways and listened to my body. I started to feel better and these health issues I was having only motivated me to start my own health journey. I started eating better and breaking bad habits with my health. At this point I wasn't completely better but I was off to a start at getting well again but something was still not right.

I started to feel a little better and I knew I wanted to finish school and I needed money to do so. I started searching for positions on the internet and I came across an ad for a Holistic Health Manager and a Nutrition Assistant. These jobs seemed very interesting to me especially since I just changed my lifestyle from the old ways to the new ways. I applied and the next day was called in to interview for these positions at Pompa Health Solutions and a few weeks later I was hired as the office manager.


How exciting to start a new career and also to learn more about this way of life. I didn't tell anyone at Pompa Health Solutions at first about my problems other than the high blood pressure part. Warren & Dr. Pompa will tell you they knew I was toxic from the first day they met me and they still gave me a chance ;). I did tell them I had anxiety every once in a while but I didn't make a big deal of it because I was embarrassed. I didn't tell really anyone how sick I really was, not even my family. Some of my friends knew, some didn't, I just kept it all to myself pretty much. During my first few weeks I finally felt more at peace in my life and thought "what a great place to work, I'm truly blessed to be a part of this mission!" School was out of the question at this point. I knew I wanted to go back to school to finish my degree at some point but this new job seemed very interesting-it seemed like it was the starting path to my new career. After a few weeks of working at Pompa Health Solutions, I have to admit I questioned it all. I doubted doctor’s period.

One day in a team meeting, God spoke through Dr. Pompa to me and my heart was changed ever since. I felt safe with Dr. Pompa at this point, I trusted him especially after I heard his story. I then heard Warren's story, Dylan's story, Anne's story, Jessica's story, and so many more and then I knew I was in the right place.


Just an update: I am currently doing much better today as I write this, I'm 60lbs thinner and I've found out WHY I have the issues I have been facing for a long time now. I had 13 amalgam (silver) fillings in my mouth and the curve in my neck that was reversed. I started with getting chiropractic care and I also started the Cellular Healing Diet. Then, I scheduled an appointment at the dentist and had my silver fillings removed which was a long process, financially, physically and mentally to wrap my head around. But I did it, and I arranged to have them removed. (CAUTION: Do not just go out and get your amalgams removed. If you do not follow proper protocol prior to getting the amalgams removed you can become very sick.)

I was finally amalgam FREE! I knew the next step was heavy metal detox. I was detoxing (heavy metals) for a little over 3 months and on Mother's Day 2009, my mom and I were driving to church and she said "You have an amalgam filling in your mouth"
There is NO way I thought but it was true. I did have an amalgam filling left in my mouth (a small one of the side-hard to even see!) During these 3 months of detox it had seemed as if I went backwards a little. I had packed on 15lbs and felt the worst I could possibly feel but I had thought it was all a part of the detox process. I went back to the dentist and the amalgam was removed and I just recently started the heavy metal detox again.

Currently, I’m STILL picking up the pieces from that incident. It took about 8 months to get back on track. I am feeling better but still have my struggles. For the most part, THANK GOD, I have my life back but it’s still a rough road at times that I’m traveling on.

MORE TO COME so stay tuned and FOLLOW ME:

Testing Results
• Urine Porphyrin results (positive for high levels of mercury/lead)
• Autism Panel Results (even though I’m not diagnosed “autistic” in the Allopahtic world if they saw these results w/ brain inflammation, etc. I would be!)
• 24 Hour Complete Hormones Test results

Daily Detox battles “Welcome To My World…”
“My LOVE for cooking” featuring GREAT recipes and MORE!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Heather's Blog

"If we are ever to rise above mere human strength, and experience the power of the life of Christ in our mortal bodies, it will be through the process of conflict that could very well be called the "labor pains" of the new life. Satan cannot extinguish what God will pour oil on so we can burn brightly."