It's amazing how you know when you need to start detoxing again!
So many bizarre symptoms, ulcers in mouth, weight not moving no matter how hard I work out or how many days of the week I work out. My menstrual cycle off, my sleep off, my gut... ohhh don't let me get started with my gut!
Bloated, constipated, diarrhea not to often but hey it happens. Gas, just feeling like nothing is moving.
Day 3 of DMSA and I finally feel better. I slept a lot this round.
I have this weird feeling behind my left eye. It kind of feels like when you have a sinus infection and you have all this sinus pressure. It's like a headache behind my eye. When I move my neck or hit trigger points it feels better. So it's definitely neurological and we know that heavy metals are neurotoxins-toxins that attack the nervous system.
Day 3 I woke up at 3am to go to the bathroom and then couldn't seem to get back to sleep but I eventually did. Then I slept in. Woke up feeling good but still tired and hard to get out of bed but overall good.
Tomorrow is Day 4 and I am going to stick it out for the entire day of Day 4-pushing to Day 5, which is the most that I've ever been able to stay on thus far! I am totally in God's hands and that is the best part about all this. He is watching over me and healing me.
This is the 1st round every I have felt this good-THANK YOU LORD-Amen to the Road Back to Health! It's all a matter of time and allowing the body to do the healing from here on out!