
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Just say NO to Sugar

Sugar can suppress the immune system.
Sugar can upset the body's mineral balance.
Sugar can contribute to hyperactivity, anxiety, depression, concentration difficulties, and crankiness in children.
Sugar can produce a significant rise in triglycerides.
Sugar can cause drowsiness and decreased activity in children.
Sugar can reduce helpful high density cholesterol (HDLs).
Sugar can promote an elevation of harmful cholesterol (LDLs).
Sugar can cause hypoglycemia.
Sugar contributes to a weakened defense against bacterial infection.
Sugar can cause kidney damage.
Sugar can increase the risk of coronary heart disease.
Sugar may lead to chromium deficiency.
Sugar can cause copper deficiency.
Sugar interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium.
Sugar can increase fasting levels of blood glucose.
Sugar can promote tooth decay.
Sugar can produce an acidic stomach.
Sugar can raise adrenaline levels in children.
Sugar can lead to periodontal disease.
Sugar can speed the aging process, causing wrinkles and grey hair.
Sugar can increase total cholesterol.
Sugar can contribute to weight gain and obesity.
High intake of sugar increases the risk of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.
Sugar can contribute to diabetes.
Sugar can contribute to osteoporosis.
Sugar can cause a decrease in insulin sensitivity.
Sugar leads to decreased glucose tolerance.
Sugar can cause cardiovascular disease.
Sugar can increase systolic blood pressure.
Sugar causes food allergies.
Sugar can cause free radical formation in the bloodstream.
Sugar can cause toxemia during pregnancy.
Sugar can contribute to eczema in children.
Sugar can overstress the pancreas, causing damage.
Sugar can cause atherosclerosis.
Sugar can compromise the lining of the capillaries.
Sugar can cause liver cells to divide, increasing the size of the liver.
Sugar can increase the amount of fat in the liver.
Sugar can increase kidney size and produce pathological changes in the kidney.
Sugar can cause depression.
Sugar can increase the body's fluid retention.
Sugar can cause hormonal imbalance.
Sugar can cause hypertension.
Sugar can cause headaches, including migraines.
Sugar can cause an increase in delta, alpha and theta brain waves, which can alter the mind's ability to think clearly.
Sugar can increase blood platelet adhesiveness which increases risk of blood clots and strokes.
Sugar can increase insulin responses in those consuming high-sugar diets compared to low sugar diets.
Sugar increases bacterial fermentation in the colon.

Monday, November 1, 2010


Change is hard for some of us, more than others. Change can make a person, break a person or do both at the same time. Sometimes all any us really need is just that. I don't do well with change for the most part, especially the change that creeps up on you and bites you when your not looking. I can speak from experience and also from frustration that lies deep inside, especially the frustration that I cannot change. I know now that I cannot change anyone personally unless they want to change. It took me over a year of working at Pompa Health Solutions to figure that one out. With that said, I don't stop living the way I live or talking about it for that matter. If you know me personally, you know how the change that creeped in and bit me now has made such an amazing difference in my life today. The change in my life started out rough, but now has helped me become who I am today and I couldn't thank God enough for that. Getting sick was definitely a valley and a rough road in my life. The Road Back to Health at times was difficult and guess what-it STILL is! But I was determined and still am determined!

Did I do it overnight? I can assure you I did not. I was practicing better health and nutrition before I started working at Pompa Health Solutions. I started with bettering my health and basic nutrition and choosing healthier eating habits. Committing to a lifestyle change was #1, not the "Cellular Healing Diet."

When the "Cellular Healing Diet" was introduced to me I was so sick that I didn't care about not having certain foods that I loved-I just wanted to feel better. It's hard for me today to sit back and watch people, especially the ones I love, not want to change the way they eat or their unhealthy environment. My passion radiates to all because I would never want anyone to go through what I had to go through, but yet at the same time I’ve learned, and I'm still learning, that I have to sit back and trust in God and His plan for everyone around me. With that said, that doesn't mean I'm going to give up and quit trying to educate the world and the ones I love. All I can do is educate and pray and equip them with the tools and knowledge they need to start their own lifestyle change to better health.

The reason I sit before you now and type what I type is not to try and change you. YOU have to WANT to change yourself-which is Step #1! Step#2 is wanting to hear the truth and accepting it and Step#3 is applying the truth to your life. So, if want to change and you want to hear the truth, keep reading. And by the way, there is a difference between truth vs. opinion. What I am stating is truth and facts PERIOD, not just an opinion.

Why am I so big on diet change? There is so many reasons why diet is #1 and why you have to start there. It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change. It's not don't eat this, don't eat that it's changing your thought process and accepting that this is how I eat now and it's not about what you can't have anymore, it's about what you can have. In the world we live in today I can assure you that your bucket can overflow. You may not experience exactly what I did but you may be experiencing some symptoms like high blood pressure, GI issues (IBS, acid reflux) anxiety, and the list goes on. So you run to your doctor or even Naturopath who who will prescribe you medication after medication or even supplement after supplement to cover up the symptoms. Covering up your symptoms is not the answer! Sure, you may be alright for the time being but I can promise it will only get worse as your bucket starts to overflow especially when more symptoms start occurring. What is “your bucket"? Your bucket is years of toxins, chemical interference, nerve interference, emotional trauma that add up. Think of a glass filling up with water and all that junk listed and then imagine it tipping over. My glass tipped over at age 26 and that’s why I got as sick as I did. You think you are "OK" now but if you experience any type of symptom or issue with your health there is a REASON behind why that is occurring. I had a LIST of symptoms and because I didn't know any better, covered them up with medications. So not only did the medications cover up symptoms in which ultimately I was not getting to the cause, but it added to my bucket. I do not believe in being drugged with prescription medications to cover up symptoms or even supplements for that matter-I wanted to get to the cause.